Corey Lott

  • Collaboration with administrators, teachers, and professionals to develop district, site, and small group learning plans.

  • Workshops and materials providing engagement and equity-minded strategies for effective in-person, hybrid, and distance learning.

  • Research focused on educational design principles for socially interactive learning.

  • Conversations about research-based, broadly effective educational strategies.

  • Worldwide EC administrator



“Watching Corey Lott engage a roomful of veteran educators during a district wide Professional Development day was as inspiring as the content itself. Corey is a talented public speaker. She was able to skillfully demonstrate learning strategies, while motivating those in attendance to be willing to try something new. By far, this was one of the best PD presentations I have attended.” - Gianna De Persiis Vona, WSCUHSD

"I love your class it is very fun and the work is not stressful. You guys have created a great class atmosphere and I look forward to your zoom meetings” (Freshman student")

This was a great model. I am sure others are beneficial. Corey, as well as all the presenters were excellent !! (Professional Development day participant)

“It has been an inspiring experience to work with Corey because she is assertive in her communication, focusing on solutions, and she knows how to manage different challenges while inviting collaboration in the group. She manages perfectly a kind and firm approach with others while being respectful. Finally, she has an amazing cultural sensibility which is crucial to work internationally.”  Gigliola Nunez, Colombia, Certified Positive Discipline Lead Trainer, Positive Discipline Speaker Bureau,

“Ha sido una experiencia enriquecedora trabajar de la mano con Corey porque es una persona asertiva en la comunicación, se enfoca en soluciones y sabe cómo manejar los diferentes desafíos invitando a la colaboración. Establece relaciones con los demás desde  la firmeza y amabilidad en donde prima el respeto mutuo. Y Corey tiene una sensibilidad y comprensión cultural las cuales han sido crucial para trabajar con comunidades internacionales.”


 “Trabalhar com a Corey foi um prazer e um grande aprendizado. Ela foi muito atenciosa e atenta aos detalhes, fazendo com que tudo fluísse muito facilmente.  Seu conhecimento do atual contexto socioeconômico e cultural do nosso país, Brasil, fez uma enorme diferença tanto para a conexão com as pessoas envolvidas no trabalho quanto para entendermos como melhor aproveitar o conteúdo do curso da Lynn Lott dentro da nossa realidade.”


“I have had the opportunity to see Corey in action in Panama and Brazil. She possesses key abilities to work with people and international communities. She is skilled in cultural competencies and focuses on solutions when problems arise.” Fernanda Lee, M.A.Ed, Positive Discipline Lead Trainer

“Eu tive a oportunidade de ver a Corey em ação no Panamá e  no Brasil. Ela possui habilidades-chaves para trabalhar com pessoas e comunidades internacionais. Ela é habilidosa em competências culturais e em focar em solução quando os problemas surgem.”

Fernanda Lee, M.A.Ed

The Big Six way of planning curriculum has totally innovated my daily routines and the relationships in my classroom. Lesson planning with these interactions in mind has made learning more engaging and enjoyable for my students. It can be easy to fall into one or two methods of teaching, but with The Big Six, I never forget to differentiate instruction for all types of learners in the room. Since the professional development lead by Corey Lott, the teachers on my campus have been reinvigorated and more conscious of varying their instructional strategies. Joe Myers, High School English and Drama teacher WSCUHSD